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Nathan Beswick - Mitzvah Project

Beth Silbert, from The Shine Project at Good Hope Seminary, linked some of us up with pupils to be their penpals. My penpal’s name was Imange and we wrote each other a few letters over the year. This project was part of the Grade Three’s literacy programme.

I wanted to extend my Mitzvah Project, so it would have something to do with sport. I held a fundraiser with my friends at Fives Futbol, Century City and I would like to thank them for donating the use of their courts for this project.

My friends payed to play a bit of soccer and some of my family sponsored our goals. With the money that I had raised I went to Sportsman’s Warehouse and bought equipment that the school needed.

I then went to deliver the equipment to Good Hope Seminary, where I got to meet my penpal. I handed over the equipment to Coach Thursten and the Shine students.

I felt very happy to help a school that is less privileged than mine and I loved meeting Imange.


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