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Oliver Hendler - BM Mitzvah Project

For ones b-mitzvah it is customary to do something for the community as a mitzvah and I had a think of what would be meaningful to help my community. I decided I could do a cleanup in the Little Glen in Camps Bay. I chose the Little Glen, because it issomewhere where my friends and I spend a lot of time. On Thursdays I attend a non school extra mural there called Scouts. Scouts is a worldwide organization that teaches you how to survive in the wild, tie knots, learn about nature. My troop, and the younger children that do Cubs there, do many activities all around the Little Glen and I noticed there was

litter and pieces of glass in the bushes, which is unsafe for children.

I recruited some of my friends and members of my 1st Camps Bay troop and we met in the morning on Saturday 24 June. We started with the rubbish cleanup and then worked on creating a fire break around the Scout hall. There is a passage going around the scout hall that has been overgrown for ages and the hall would be at risk if there was a fire in the Little Glen. We got help from my Scout Master Michael and his friend who has a mulcher. It took us from 10am – 2pm to clear the whole thing while turning the bushes we cut into mulch, which is a kind of compost. When we were done we ate donuts which my mom bought and donated the mulch to a gardening service.


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