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Vision & Values

By 2030 Temple Israel Cape Town will be a vibrant, thriving, inspiring and forward-thinking Jewish community, where committed and caring members of all ages and stages of life find a safe, spiritual and supportive home – a sanctuary from the stress of the outside world.

We will be grounded firmly in the values of Progressive Judaism and will promote them proudly. We will be a place of engaging and relevant Jewish education and practice.

We will be both inward and outward focused as leaders in the pursuit of justice - actively participating in the repair of our world.

We will be unafraid of and strengthened by respectful debate.

We will be living up to our values of equality and inclusion, celebrating and welcoming the diversity of all individuals and families.

Our Proudly Jewish and South African Values

Areivut (Responsibility) – Recognizing that every Jew is connected to and responsible for one other, we also value the rich diversity of belief and practise that has always been part of our Jewish history. We seek opportunities to deepen this awareness and our connections to our fellow Jews both near and far. It is important for us to affirm that there is more than one way to be Jewish.

B’chira (Choice) – As Progressive Jews, we keenly feel the dynamic tension between tradition and modernity, striving to live lives that are based on Jewish values in a constantly shifting world. We achieve this by rooting our decisions in the study of Jewish beliefs and practices, making informed and empowered choices for ourselves, our families and our community.

B’tzelem Elohim (In the Image of God) Diversity – We recognize the Divine in every person. In our shul, participation in religious ritual, in leadership, as well as more generally within the community, is not determined by gender or any other identity marker. We value and respect every individual regardless of ancestry, age, disability (mental, physical or emotional), financial means, gender, gender-identity or expression, marital status, medical needs, national origin, political affiliation, race, religion or sexual orientation. We intentionally seek to include those individuals and groups who in the past have been marginalized, opposing all forms of xenophobia and discrimination.

K’lal Yisrael (Community of Israel) Israel - We recognize that our community is politically and ideologically diverse and that we may not all agree about Israel and our relation to the land, its people and its government. As a community, we are committed to a vision of the State of Israel which we hope will be strong, democratic and at peace with its neighbours.

Kehillat Chessed (Caring Community) – We embrace the benefits and obligations of being part of a Jewish community through committing to and showing up in our congregation, caring for ourselves and one another - especially in times of need, and sharing one another’s joys and sorrows. We strive to approach one another with open-hearts and generous spirits.

Lashon HaKodesh (The Sacred Language) - The Torah and primary texts of Judaism are written in Hebrew and understanding. As the primary language of the Jewish people, Hebrew is fundamental to engagement with these texts and with our traditional Hebrew prayers. We encourage congregants of all ages and abilities to see Hebrew learning as an ongoing pursuit.

Lirdof Tzedek v’Shalom (Pursuit of Justice & Peace) – As pursuers of peace and justice, we take seriously our obligation to engage in social activism. Our hope is to inspire passionate activism, to strengthen our Ometz Lev (courage of the heart), and to encourage ourselves and one another to move beyond passive engagement, beyond what is comfortable and convenient, so that we might stand up for principled decisions, brave difficult conversations and delve deeply and honestly into what it means to live as a Jew in the 21st century.

Massat Nefesh (Spiritual Journey) – Each of us in on our own spiritual journey - with peaks of awareness and purpose and valleys of existential pain and questioning. We strive to offer our shul as a space and community in which to reflect and grow our individual and collective spirituality. Our rabbis are available to guide and support our members with thoughtful
and non-judgmental discussion grounded in Jewish ideas and texts- and by offering tools and resources for individual spiritual pursuits.


Talmud Torah (Study of Torah) – Prioritizing study is a core value of all Jewish communities. We encourage members of all ages to engage in Torah learning as a life-long pursuit, and we see each individual as being welcome and able to contribute to the ongoing interpretation and understanding of Torah. We understand the Torah to be a living and true document, one that is not only given by God, but which continues to inspire us to live a life that is godly.

Tikkun Olam (Repairing the World) – We strive to better our world through tikkun at’zmi (repair of self), tikkun k’hilah (repair of community), and tikkun olam (repair of the world). We are committed to the repair of both our community’s world and to the world and people beyond our community. Included in this, we are particularly concerned with, Sh’mirat Ha-Adamah, environmental consciousness and strive to be a sustainable and not wasteful community.

Sh’mirat HaLashon (Guarding Our Speech) – We are aware of the power of language to create or destroy and as such we are conscious of the language used in our speech, in our signage and in our communications. We pay attention to inclusive language, to correct usage of peoples’ pronouns and to finding positive and compassionate ways to give feedback.

Shomrei Shabbat (Keeping Shabbat) - Our Progressive Jewish approach to Shabbat encourages each member and family to make Shabbat special and holy by making choices to observe it as a day that is different to the other days of the week. Some of us may limit technology or the spending of money, whilst others might prioritise time with family or being out in nature. Our shul is open on Shabbat so that our members might observe Shabbat together through prayer, music, Torah study and community.

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